Thursday, 06 September 2012 10:09

Swedish company Svan Data introduces tailor-made import & export statistics for the Chinese paper industry

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swe-dataSvan Data has since the start in 1980 provided the European paper industry with import and export statistics for a large number of countries. The Chinese paper industry’s export success has resulted in Svan Data seeing great potential in the Chinese market. Their aim is to provide data for a better understanding of the flow of paper from a global perspective.

- We decided to exhibit at China Paper this year as we think it will facilitate getting in contact with the Chinese paper industry. We hope to meet those persons responsible for or those who have an interest in following the development of international paper trade, says Sven Andersson, CEO of Svan Data.

The philosophy of Svan Data is that their customers should have the possibility of influencing and designing the information after their specific requirements. Their latest service is the web distribution, meaning the user can log in and access the information on-line. The tailor-made statistics can therefore be accessible to several people within the same company. Two of Svan Data’s largest customers are Volvo Trucks and the European Association of Graphic Paper Producers (Euro-graph asbl).

You will meet Svan Data in the Swedish Pavilion, stand no. 1330. See further information on

Read 14844 times Last modified on Thursday, 06 September 2012 10:06